Friday, 31 August 2007

BBC Article & Feature now on the web

Hello Again
I just had a nice mail from my friends at BBC Radio Gloucestershire who have put a great article up on their website, as well as a recording of the interview I did for them recently.Check it out:

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

New Evesham Article - Part 1

Hi there

Just thought you'd like to see this great article that featured little old me!

Thursday, 9 August 2007


Hi there -
The August edition of the newsletter from top sports nutrition provider USN has a nice mention of my Euro success, with the following article:
Powerlifting Champion Wins European Title
Larry Whyte is certainly on top of his game – he yet again won another title at the powerlifting European Championships in Switzerland. Larry has had a fantastic year thus far, winning the Midlands, British, European and World Championships.
Thanks USN !

Monday, 6 August 2007


Hi there -
No - I haven't lost it! I thought I'd let you know about some of my special training for the world championships. Focussing on just the physical part of the lifts will only get you so far, so I have been working with top success coach Grant Willcox of 2Excel Coaching to assist me in getting my winning mindset together.
Top techniques like creative visualisation are used by all of the best sportsmen like Tiger Woods and Andy Roddick to elevate their game & create consistent & powerful results; Grant has been working with me for a while now to strengthen my focus & overcome any mental barriers as I aim to go for the 300kG mark & take the world title for the last time. Having this kind of support is priceless, as it allows me to concentrate on then physical techniques, knowing that my mind is set for success. Awesome stuff!


For all of those interested parties, I will be on the radio on Monday 6th August; check out BBC Radio Gloucestershire between 5-7pm for an in depth interview about my preparations for the World Championships, & other varied topics. It shall be interesting, for sure!