Recently I have started to ask Clients what they think..of the way I am as a Trainer and how they feel about Phoenix to start us off is Anita Bailey
Here in Anitas words is what she has to say.........
Larry asked me for an update on my progress on what he has encouraged trained and given me the confidence to do. Lets start at the beginning. Larry started me running on the tredmill begin 2010 could run for 3 to 4 mins so small start 1 mile for sports relief hadnt ran a mile in 40 years but I'll have a go, DID IT that was it bitten by the bug whats next. That was the Race for Life lets have a go but have got to run not walk (thats my idea not Larrys) just get round in one piece and hold your head high at the finish oh and finish with a sprint (Larrys words) DID IT 45 MINS 45 SECS. I have now lost 2st 2lb, 5 inches off my waist 3 inches off my hips.The encouragement and belief in me has never faltered from Larry. My life has changed so much because of my fitness I manage my stress, my husbands illness, and my work with a great deal more confidence. I feel fit and healthy and with so much less weight to carry about I can move faster and get far more done. Thank you Larry Whyte lets get ready for the next Race for Life we now have a time to beat.
You gave me the encouragement to get where I am today Larry but may I just mention I am proud you took everyones encouragement to follow your dream and open Phoenix its a wonderful place, clean, friendly, welcoming. Many Thanks Anita.
This is Anita with the Mayor and Mayoress of Evesham at a Dementia UK fund raising event she had organised, there is just no stopping Anita now her energy levels are sky high!!
Grant Willcox Checks into Phoenix for MOT.
Part 1. Challenge from a ChampionYesterday was a day of revelation for me – a big revelation. Let me explain why.
I had planned to visit my former client & good friend Larry ‘The Champ’ Whyte for a catch up, as well as get a fitness induction at the gym he owns & has recently opened. Larry is a World Champion Power-lifter, & knows a thing or two about health and fitness, so I was keen to visit & get some feedback from a ‘pro’.
Anyway, I’d assumed it was going to be plain sailing – just take a through stats, take my fitness goals then devise a program around that (I am used to training, so assumed it was going to be much the same) How wrong was I !? I knew I was a little ‘off-track’ with my general fitness level & I had generally ‘sat on my laurels’ as far as health & fitness was concerned, but not to the extent that was revealed! Holy cow!
My Body Mass Index (BMI) was about 10 points above what it should be, my body fat percentage was allegedly up by a similar percentage, & the weigh scales screamed at me for being for being 6 Kg’s overweight! Aargh! Confusion ensued – where was this hidden ‘extra’ lurking?! Surely I’d notice it in the mirror as something unsightly?! After a few deep breaths & some comforting words from The Champ, I realised all was not lost – I was just off-track, & not off the rails. So, my friends, I received the challenge from the champion, along with a new fitness program to resolve my issues. I have until the end of January 2011 to hit my targets, drop the ‘hidden bulk’ , & regain my former physique.
The surprise I had reminded me of what I often see with my clients on a regular basis; when you don’t take the time to re-invest in yourself on a regular basis – your wellbeing – your health, etc. it is very easy to find yourself in a place well away from the ideal. Stephen Covey put this as ‘Sharpening the Saw’ – preserving & enhancing yourself in four keys areas – Physical, Spiritual, Mental & Social/Emotional. This involves renewing yourself to maintain balance, increase the capacity to be productive & handles life’s daily challenges.
For me, I had only drifted slightly from the path and I know with a defined goal & the support from ‘The Champ’ as my personal coach, I can transform & restore my fitness back to the level to which I am happy (This coaching stuff works, you know!) Stay tuned for updates on my little’ challenge from a champion’
Shock Horror Surprise for Grant.
Part 2. Challenge from a ChampionWell, after my initial shock about a week ago as to the state of my general fitness, the sunshine on the horizon has come a little closer than I expected, with some very pleasing results. I decided that I should embark on some serious cardio work to elevate my level of fitness, so last week I went running three times! Now, this may not seem a big deal to some, but you must realise that I hate running with a passion akin to going to the dentist! That being said, I increased the intensity of each running circuit throughout the week & braved some pretty dire winter weather, but I did it – I just let the stubborn goal-orientated me take over & drive me to completion.
Curiosity go the better of me on the weekend & I just wanted to know if all of this running would amount to anything, so off I went to purchase some weigh scales. Well, almost as big as the shock I had a week ago, I had a pleasing result as the digital display blinked at me before delivering it’s verdict. What was it, you wonder..? I am proud to announce a loss of 9lbs – roughly 4 kilos for you metric bods. This running stuff works, you know. This has given me an extra ‘spur’ to carry on, so I’ll keep you updated in about a week, if you like.
Part 3. Challenge from a Champion Hello – I’m back! ( in case you thought the exercise had finished me off!) Well, last week was another seven days of success for me, which I’ll share with you now. So, I managed three more evenings running, and during the process noticed it starting to feel a little easier – not in a big way, but there seemed to be a certain fluidity taking place that felt good. I even stretched to an extra circuit in the same time slot, which was also pleasing. The weigh scales also showed a couple of extra pounds missing too, so all was excellent.
My groundwork had prepared me in a small way for what was going to occur on Saturday – my full fitness assessment with ‘The Champ’! I arrived at 11am on the nose & was received by the man himself & greeted with a tone of high expectation, with a hint of gentle provocation; he was looking forward to seeing what I was ‘made of ‘. Well, let me tell you this – during the hour of power he pushed me through, we didn’t lift a single barbell. Not one. I had half expected ‘ The Champ’ to launch me into some bar-bendingly heavy weight slinging, as this is a guy who can lift hundreds of kilo’s off the floor without a safety net, has four gold medals & more shiny metalwork than RoboCop! Nope. Nada.Nein. We used the cross-trainer, running machine (not my favourite activity!), fit ball, kettlebell & that was it. He gave me all of the ‘old school’ PT-style exercises that often get forgotten but are powerfully effective for working your core musculature. He made me stretch, bend & flex to release my taut sinews & create some well needed flexibility. During the process I think we found some ill-used muscle groups I didn’t know I had, as well as push through some muscle burning pain thresholds to squeeze the maximum results out for me. Whew! ‘The Champ’ worked me hard – he wanted to see what I was made of & he got it.
Well, after a rather wobbly version of myself lifted my exhausted body of the exercise mat, I got some words I was relieved to hear – ” You did good “. This man doesn’t dish those words out lightly, so I knew I’d shown him some potential; he added that anyone who prepared for a session by going running for two weeks & got up early on a Saturday morning to do a 50 mile round trip had the necessary focus to achieve great things. I had potential. OK…I had some work to do, but it was all achievable as the right mindset & raw material was in place. I left with a slightly weary but proud smile….I did good.
Earlier this evening, as I was off out into the night to start my first of three weekly runs, I was greeted by some cool misty air that was lit eerily by a crescent moon from above. The combination of the cooling mist & clean moonlight seemed to clear my mind to make way for some fresh thoughts as I commenced my run; I’d realised that because I had a vision for my fitness, a strong focus & key techniques in place, I could really achieve what I wanted & that felt empowering. In life & fitness, this goal setting stuff works you know!
Evidence from Week 4
Does Grant look as if hes enjoying himself??
Checkout "Grant in video" on main page, he chose the girls to show him how!
Building Muscle at Minus Seven
Part 4. Challenge from a Champion Hey friends – I’m writing this on a cold day…actually a VERY cold day! If the temp gauge on my car is to believed, it varied slightly between minus seven and minus eight……that’s right – ff-f-f-freeeezing! Still, I managed to beat the 7am alarm to get all kitted up with another personal training session with the ‘Champ‘; this time I added a fleece & a combat jacket to assist in keeping my muscles warm. Fortunately, I made the 30 mile journey in about 30 minutes, as the roads were pretty desolate at 8.30 am; everyone else was staying home in bed, keeping warm & comfortable!
Part 4. Challenge from a Champion Hey friends – I’m writing this on a cold day…actually a VERY cold day! If the temp gauge on my car is to believed, it varied slightly between minus seven and minus eight……that’s right – ff-f-f-freeeezing! Still, I managed to beat the 7am alarm to get all kitted up with another personal training session with the ‘Champ‘; this time I added a fleece & a combat jacket to assist in keeping my muscles warm. Fortunately, I made the 30 mile journey in about 30 minutes, as the roads were pretty desolate at 8.30 am; everyone else was staying home in bed, keeping warm & comfortable!
Anyway, a quick update on the session for you; the Champ gave me an ‘hour of power’, an intense, non-stop session which blasted my muscles groups quickly to warm me up & hit my core musculature. It wasn’t a peaceful way to spend a Sunday Morning, but it was rewarding as I blasted through each exercise with all of my might. I think an iPhone came out at one stage to capture me collapsed over a step-up bench, which I’m sure will end up on a certain blog soon. I didn’t mind – I’d already done an exercise bouncing on a lime green fitball with some pink dumbells, so any street credibility had already been lost.
As the man said , ‘I did good’. This got me to thinking – finally I am achieving fitness after almost four weeks of focussed determination. This had moved on from the ‘me’ of a few weeks ago, because I was healthy but quite unfit ( yes – there is a difference!) Slowly becoming fitter is the icing on the cake, as I’m noticing increased stamina, better breathing & a generally higher level of energy. I have to say, being healthy AND fit is the best way to be.