Friday, 2 February 2007

Just Missed with USN Support

I forgot to mention in last post that I narrowly missed out on sponsorship by USN - Ultimate Sports Nutrition. I had a kind e-mail saying I'd just missed their allocation for 2007, but they were kind enough to send some promo gear & offer a healthy discount on any product I needed. Thanks USN - it all helps.


  1. Hey Larry - good luck with the sponsorship. I know you'll do well.

  2. yo great stuff lar lets have some more or those medles chap good luck matey joe joe

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. hi Larry, am interested if you would consider giving a talk to some tenants at housing21. We are nation wide and would love to meet you and hear about your time in australia,maybe give us some health tips.
    All the very best in your European quest.
