Tuesday, 17 July 2007

NEWSFLASH:The New British Masters Champ is...

Hi there
Hot news from the British DFPA Masters Competition -
the New British Masters Champion is.....ME! Luckily, I managed to put in a reasonable performance to retain my 2006 title & take away with another 3 trophies to fill up my mantelpiece! On Saturday, I produced a 130kG lift in the bench press to take the title; Sunday was a little different, as I was aiming to beat my own world records but fell short due to some deadlift technique issues.
However, I did achieve 240kG in the unequipped deadlift, followed by an slightly better 250kG in the equipped category, which was still a decent enough result to help me keep my British Masters title for a second year.Hopefully I will be able to iron out my technique glitches in time for the World Championship, so watch this space!

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