Wednesday, 10 June 2009

BIG changes forthcoming! WATCH THIS SPACE!

Hi everyone,

I'd first like to apologise for the lack of activity here on the blog. I've been very busy recently but can promise that there will be some big changes over the next month or two for both me and this web address.

I have made the tough decision to quit my full time job I've been working for the last 25 years and am currently undertaking study and exams to gain Grade 3 Personal Trainer status. This means I will have all the qualifications necisarry to run along side my years of experience and provide professional personal training to anyone out there looking to improve there levels of fitness, how ever that may be. It also means more time for contest training for me!

A full Champion Personal Training website is under construction which will tie in with this blog to provide you with all the information you need on myself and my services.

Keep your eyes peeled!


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