Saturday, 5 September 2009

STOP PRESS: World Champs in Bradford - Sunday 13th September - 3 Times Lucky for Birthday Boy Larry..?

How is your diary looking for next weekend...? Well, if your diary permits, I'd love you to join me for what is potentially my LAST International competition at the World Drug Free Powerlifting Champs., and also to celebrate my birthday which is also that weekend. So, come along & join my 'power pack possee' to enjoy the delights of Bradford nightlife, as well a day of some top lifting on the Sunday,as I aim to break my own 2006 records for the equipped & unequipped deadlift.

Since becoming a full-time professional personal trainer earlier this year, I have managed to put some solid practice in & feel I'm now in the best form I've been in, both physically & mentally for many years - therefore - LISTEN UP! I need plenty of crowd support as I am going for about 280kgs minimum!!

If you can make it to Bradford, your support on this landmark weekend will be instrumental in my hopeful subsequent success ! COME ON DOWN (or up, as the case may be )

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